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Page last updated on : 05/12/2021 - 8:44 pm

ID World Abu Dhabi 2011 opens

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His Highness Lieutenant General Sheikh Saif Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and Deputy Chairman of the Emirates Identity Authority, has emphasized that the hosting by the UAE of the ID World Abu Dhabi 2011 reflects the leadership’s interest in and keenness on creating and supporting knowledge-based communities through such forums.

“The summit also reflects the UAE’s regional and global position which has become a point of attraction for many prominent global activities and conferences including this significant global event”, he added.

“The UAE leadership adopts and supports the modern concepts of development and is keen on applying them in all fields with the aim of pushing growth forward and consolidating prosperity in our country for the present and future of all UAE nationals and residents,” Sheikh Saif said.

In his speech, delivered on his behalf by H.E. Ahmed Nasser Al Raisi, Chairman of Executive Committee and Emirates Identity Authority Board Member, in the inaugural ceremony of the summit, Sheikh Saif said: “The contemporary world is facing massive challenges but we are full of hope that the coming successes and achievements will be dazzling and have broad prospects.”

“This world summit is a window of hope, optimism and confidence in building together a safer and more secure and stable world and protecting it for the benefit of our states, the welfare of our people and the bright future of our countries,” he said.

“We believe that by virtue of the loud international acclaim it receives, this summit is an ideal opportunity for exchanging experiences as it combines the intellect shown by prominent experts and eminent thinkers from all countries of the world with implementation mechanisms, successful experiences and the best modern practices.”

Sheikh Saif said he is hopeful that the participating working papers would contribute to spreading applied awareness of advanced ID systems and would throw the light on practical mechanisms for enhancing the integrated security system, which is aimed at protecting individuals in a highly safe and secure environment and also helping officials in the government and private sectors develop efficient strategies for implementing initiatives and projects to develop the services provided to the public, using the best methods and systems.

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