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Page last updated on : 10/11/2021 - 12:03 pm

ID registrants totaled 197,266 and printed ID cards 242,453 in February

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The Emirates Identity Authority announced that the total number of registrants for ID cards and population register rose to 197,266 in February 2011 compared with 58,700 in the same period of 2010.

Meanwhile, the number of printed ID cards rose to 242,453 in February 2011 compared with 61,498 in the corresponding period of 2010.

These high figures are regarded as a positive indicator of the results of implementing the Emirates Identity Authority’s new strategy 2010-2013 and the registration plan emanating from it with its different themes, the most prominent of which is the procedure re-engineering project.

The Emirates Identity Authority is keen on exerting all the efforts that would maintain a constant increase in the number of ID registrants and ID cards this year, God willing.

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