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Page last updated on : 22/12/2022 - 11:41 am

ID needed for Sharjah land transactions from Jan.1

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The Sharjah Department of Real Estate Registration announced on Monday, that the national ID card will be a mandatory requirement for completing any transactions at the department as of January 2012.

The department has linked the ID card to all services rendered, including issuing title deeds, registration, mortgages and other transactions.

The Emirates Identity Authority has provided smartcard reader devices to the department, enabling staff to read data from the cards electronically and carry out transactions more efficiently.

By linking the ID card, the department seeks to process transactions with more accuracy.

The move is in line with the department’s strategic plan to update the data of landowners in the emirate and promote co-operation with other federal government bodies. It is also an implementation of the Federal Law No 9 of 2006 regarding the population registry and identity card and the Ministers Council decision No.25 of 2011.

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