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Page last updated on : 05/09/2022 - 1:21 pm

ID is an Obligation for Citizens for completion of AD Police Licensing Formalities

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Abu Dhabi Police G.H.Q’s Vehicles and Drivers Licensing Department stipulated that every citizen has to present identity card to for the completion of any electronic formality in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Western Region as of the eighth of the next November, provided that the same requirement will be applied on residents as well.

This was declared by Lieutenant Colonel/ Suhil Saeed Al Khuyaili, official spokesman for Vehicles and Drivers Licensing Department at Abu Dhabi Police G.H.Q. He added that a circulation was sent to all the branches of vehicles and drivers licensing departments and check up & registration centers affiliated to Abu Dhabi Police G.H.Q not to finalize any formality related to Vehicles and Drivers Licensing Department at Abu Dhabi Police without obtaining the multi-use unified code identity card by the clients who are citizens as of the eighth of the next month.

He revealed that the Department applied encoded electronic readers to its electronic system to make it easy for employees to quickly identify the personal data contained in the identity cards as well as the Department stipulated that submitting identity card is necessary for finalizing any formality, pointing out that no formality should be accepted or delivered without obtaining the identity card by the citizen.

He noted that the reason of applying and disclosing of this “stipulation” in a timely manner should be attributed to the government’s desire to grant citizens the multi-use unified code identity cards. Every citizen shall obtain such identity card and consider it in all official formalities with all governmental, semi governmental and private authorities by virtue of the law that requires all establishments to consider the identity cards in all formalities in order to grant a fixed code for every citizen and resident in the country. Such code should be registered and used in formalities, registers and individual files to arrange and keep such formalities, registers and files without violating the arrangement and keeping methods observed by the same authority.

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