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Page last updated on : 10/08/2022 - 7:47 am

ICA’s Innovation Team in RAK discusses “Services Development”


ICA’s Innovation Team in Ras Al Khaimah organized a brainstorming session about the importance of innovation for developing the services provided to customers, with a view to coming up with creative ideas and suggestions in this field.

During the session attended by the employees of ICA’s Customer Happiness Center in Ras Al Khaimah, the Center supervisor, Fatma Al Balushi, gave a presentation explaining in detail the services provided by the Center to customers, and the procedures adopted by customers to get the service “Customer’s Journey”. The session attendees warmly welcomed her presentation.

The brainstorming session included a discussion on a number of suggestions, which can be implemented to create a permanent happy and positive work environment, thus contributing to promoting customers’ satisfaction with ICA’s services. The session also included organizing competitions for participants on innovation and its evolution in the State, and the initiatives launched by ICA to establish the culture of innovation and creativity cultures in the community.

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