ICA’s Employees Participate in Study of “Healthy Future for UAE”

Thursday 15 February 2018

A number of employees of ICA’s Customer Happiness Center, annexed to PMC in Musaffah, participated in the study of “Healthy Future for UAE” conducted by the University of New York Abu Dhabi, which aims at researching the factors causing chronic and common diseases among citizens.

The Center’s participation in the study consisted of conducting medical and laboratory tests for a number of volunteers from its staff, which were supervised by specialized doctors, in addition to filling out a questionnaire that included questions and queries about the lifestyle of the volunteers and the social factors that affect them.

The “Healthy Future for UAE” study sample includes the UAE nationals between the ages of 18 and 40, which aims at enabling the scientists and researchers who supervise the study to understand the factors affecting public health at the meantime, the matter which contributes to a healthy lifestyle for future generations of UAE.