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Page last updated on : 09/08/2022 - 3:40 pm

ICA’s Corporate Governance Department organizes the “Risk Management Assessment” Workshop


The Corporate Governance Department in the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, in cooperation with the Emirates Identity and Citizenship Academy, organized a workshop entitled “Risk Management Assessment”. The workshop aims at introducing ICA’s employees to the importance of identifying the risks and challenges faced by institutions and establishing the culture of protection from such risks and its importance in institutions’ success and development.

The workshop delivered by Ahmed theeb, the training and development manager in (I LAW) institution, included a detailed explanation about the concept of risks management and the approach of evaluating risks, as well as its role in focusing on the high impact risks, so they can be addressed and mitigated.

The two-day workshop aims at increasing employees’ awareness of the importance of risk management and intellectually stimulating them to become informed of all the challenges and obstacles they may face in their work.

The workshop emphasized the importance of developing the risk management methodology and its role in enhancing corporate performance through periodic measurement of the performance indicators, continuous learning, and innovation, as well as improvement and creativity.

The workshop also highlighted the importance of informing all ICA’s departments of the risks and events that may occur during the implementation of their projects and initiatives. Thus, they can address and manage risks, achieve the desired objectives, and take advantage of the previously managed risks to avoid their recurrence.

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