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Page last updated on : 28/10/2020 - 7:06 am

ICA’s Board gives instructions to adopt initiatives to make Senior Emiratis happy


ICA’s Board of Directors discusses scenarios to simplify the ICA’s services procedure

The Board emphasizes creating a work environment favorable for all ICA’s employees

ICA’s Board of Directors emphasized the importance of developing the services provided by ICA under the Federal Government National Agenda. It also endorsed an initiative to make the senior Emiratis happy by providing ICA’s services at their residence places, prioritizing their transactions in terms of completion and exempting them from any possible fees or fines. This is to express gratitude to the Senior’s generation who made sacrifices to establish the State and to promote appreciation for the senior Emiratis as well as to emphasize the importance of their roles as a component of the State’s social fabric and a pillar of social security.

The Board of directors at its second meeting in 2019 discussed a number of the proposed scenarios to facilitate procedures to ensure the overall transformation of the smart services and to provide all the necessary potentials to provide such services in an innovative manner in accordance with the highest standards of quality and efficiency. This is to support ICA’S endorsement of achieving the sustainable excellence under the procedural governance and make the required regulatory amendments to support this tendency.

For achieving the services quality, the Board reviewed a number of initiatives related to ICA’s staff, emphasizing the importance of employees’ satisfaction and creating a working environment that motivates them, being its real capital and the main engine to enable ICA’s achieve its objectives. The Board further stressed the importance of expanding employees’ participation with ideas, and initiatives and of considering them real partners in the development of the services and not only a tool to provide them. It also noted the importance of proper planning for the human cadres and the

adoption of training and rehabilitation programs in accordance with the requirements of services delivery and development.

The Board of Directors was also informed of the implemented recommendations of its first meeting in 2019 and of the rates of tasks completions and discussed a number of topics on its agenda and took appropriate decisions.

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