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Page last updated on : 13/04/2021 - 9:06 am

ICA wins the “Best IT Experts 300 in the Middle East ” award


The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship has made a new achievement by receiving the award of “”Best Information Technology Experts 300 in the Middle East”. The award was won by His Excellency Brigadier General Matar Kharbash Al-Saadi, Director of the Department of Information Technology. This pioneering award is granted for the ICA’s excellence in information technology investment to reach advanced spots in its domain.
This achievement comes as a capping to the ICA’s rapid efforts in enhancing and updating its technical infrastructure, through adopting the latest technologies and using the best creative solutions and innovative practices throughout its digital and smart transformation journey, and altogether, to enhance the efficiency of operations, providing best services, and develop systems and applications under the UAE smart government strategy.
It should be noted that the “Middle East IT Experts 300” is a prestigious award organized by Tahawl Tech and CPI Media Group magazine. It is granted to the distinguished technology figures and IT managers as an appreciation for their excellence and sustained commitment to business improvement by utilizing the best technologies in carrying out and adopting the Digital transformation strategy.

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