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Page last updated on : 08/08/2021 - 7:39 am

ICA Wins International Award in Corporate Governance


The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship has won the “Corporate Governance Award” granted by the British “World Finance Awards” magazine to institutions that have achieved outstanding success in implementing the principles and practices of corporate governance.
This achievement by the ICA is the culmination of its commitment to applying the highest standards of corporate governance and transparency, aimed at strengthening the principles of responsibility and accountability and ensuring the achievement of sustainable excellence in all its work, services and operations.
The ICA’s winning of such a prestigious award is to embody its ability to confront the changes of the time and re-evaluate strategies to deal with crises, especially those caused by the emerging Covid-19 pandemic, by placing the safety of employees and customers atop its priorities, and allocating its resources to support government actions through its contribution to improving the quality of community life and help address challenges.

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