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Page last updated on : 12/10/2020 - 12:38 pm

ICA welcomes its employees, customers, and the country visitors in the Happiness Day


Visitors’ Passports stamped “Welcome to the Happy UAE”

Al Shamsi: Happiness is not measured only by what is gained but exceeds to the concepts of giving

ICA has held festive events on the International Day of Happiness at its headquarters and its customer happiness centers to embody the meanings and goals to be achieved and to make its customers and employees happy.

ICA’s customer happiness centers all over UAE are focusing on helping its customers to overcome obstacles and find innovative solutions to ensure serving them with the utmost due respect and care by the center’s employees and to ensure their full satisfaction and happiness with the services provided by ICA.

During the events, ICA has emphasized its keen on realizing the motto of the year event “Happy UAE” through filling the hearts of its employees and customers with happiness and joy and organizing initiatives that contribute to enhancing cooperation, highlighting love, happiness, and positivity adopted UAE and making happiness a lifestyle for all UAE residents.

In his speech to the employees, HE Ali Mohammed Bin Hammad Al Shamsi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ICA, called for following a good example of the wise leadership and getting inspired by its instructions and directives, which usually focuses on exerting efforts to make UAE people the happiest in the world, thus making happiness their lifestyle. He also stressed that happiness is not measured by what one gains but goes beyond that to include the concepts of giving and real active contribution to the development of the nation and serving people.

He added that UAE has become among the countries that ranked highly on the list of the world’s happiest countries, indicating that this could have

never happened without the wise leadership, which set that as the main goal to be achieved through its actions. In doing so, the government has used all the available resources to build the homeland and the citizens, achieve progress on all levels providing citizens and residents with the highest standard of living.

Moreover, HE has encouraged ICA’s employees to adopt a positive attitude in all aspects of life professionally and personally and to work on fostering their relationships at work and elsewhere, and to adhere to UAE values particularly goodness, gentleness, honesty, and hard working. This shall be reflected in their relationships with each other and with the customers and visitors to extend happiness and wellbeing in society.

ICA was keen on enabling its employees to start their day with happiness and positivity; surprising each of them on his/her arrival to work with a gift marked with the happiness motto and positive phrases in celebration of the International Day of Happiness. It has also got many of its buildings decorated, and computers and phone screens brightened with the phrase “You are our source of happiness”.

The events have included welcoming the customers with presents and roses, organizing visits to some orphanages and elderly care facilities bringing them gifts, and celebrate this day with them in order to emphasize that they are an essential part of the community, as well as organizing mass breakfast tables for employees and customers as well as implementing service initiatives to facilitate services provided to the customers and bring joy to themselves.

Among the events were initiatives addressed to the visitors who came to UAE through airports and crossing borders for bringing joy and happiness to them and giving them the impression that UAE is a place for happiness, positivity, and good manners. The initiatives included temporarily changing the stamp to read “Welcome to the Happy UAE”, and printing the happiness motto on the entry permits.

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