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Page last updated on : 11/10/2020 - 6:20 am

ICA urges its Smart Service Customers, Individuals or Companies, to update their Data


Thursday, 14th May 2020

In preparation for launching the Digital File, the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship “ICA” urged its service receivers, individuals, and companies, using its smart platform to update their data in order to benefit from the services provided by the ICA.

In its statement, the ICA indicated that the personal data provided by the service receiver must be true to ensure its quality because the Digital File is considered to be the primary reference in all governmental services. The ICA has embarked to implement the said file in collaboration with its partners as of the current year 2020 in accordance with the UAE government’s Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and aims to promote the position of the UAE as a global hub based on knowledge, innovation and integration of physical, digital, and biological technologies as well as to customize technologies and tools offered by the fourth industrial revolution to serve the society and to achieve the happiness and welfare of its members.

The ICA further affirmed the readiness of corporate infrastructure in a manner that the data of the service receiver can be easily updated. In addition, the ICA stressed upon the legal compliance assigned to the service receiver to provide true and correct data under the regulations applicable in this respect.

Furthermore, ICA noted the need to use electronic applications for such purposes through visiting its online portal: or and via its smart application available on the App Store for reviewing all data and ensuring their validity so that ICA could provide the best services to the customers.

The ICA concluded its statement by underlining the importance of the response of both individuals and companies to its call to regularly update their data so that ICA could provide its services pursuant to the best practices, the highest quality standards and to meet its service beneficiaries’ expectations.

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