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Page last updated on : 16/10/2020 - 2:14 pm

ICA: The Partners’ Forum is an extended Bridge for Successes and Achievements


Under the patronage of H.E. Ali Mohammed bin Hammad Al Shamsi, Chairman of ICA’s Board of Directors, ICA has recently held its periodic Partners’ Forum titled “ICA’s Partners’ Forum”. The event was attended by the executive directors of the various sectors of ICA, heads, and representatives of the departments and entities cooperating with ICA under the umbrella of the strategic partnership that comprises more than 40 strategic partners of ICA, including local and federal entities.

At the beginning of the Forum, H.E. Major General Saeed Rakan Al Rashidi, Director General of Foreigners Affairs and Ports delivered a speech to welcome the strategic partners, affirming that “the forum represents an extended bridge for successes and a window for the participation and achievements of partners in a way that enhances effective communication and coordination mechanisms between ICA and its strategic partners”. He further added in his speech: “Today, the forum is being held and our leading State and exceptional nation, the homeland of ambitions and possibilities, is commencing a new year which marks the year of preparing for the UAE Centennial 2071 and hosting the greatest international event and exhibition (Expo 2020) up towards the year of Vision 2021.

Al Rashidi resumed saying: “All of us as partners have a promising chance to add a new success to the page of joint primacy and leadership”. He also stressed: “We at ICA realize that we are working with our partners as a team to achieve a shared vision through activating and implementing initiatives and projects on the national agenda and managing aspirations through joint action themes with the partners.

Al Rashidi concluded his speech by extending appreciation and gratitude to H.E. Ali Mohammed bin Hammad Al Shamsi, Chairman of ICA’s Board of Directors, for his constant guidance to promote sustainable partnerships with ICA’s partners. Furthermore, he praised all internal partners at ICA as well as organizational units, working groups, and the Strategy and Future Department.

As a part of the forum events, the participants learned through an introductory video about ICA’s major achievements. Then, Major Youssef Al Hammadi, Director of ICA’s Strategy and Future Department, presented the results of the “Partners’ Happiness” survey. He also talked about the partners’ strategical, local and federal high rates of happiness and satisfaction stemmed from ICA’s performance in the partnership as well as the level their happiness with the smart government area and other indicators. He clarified that the strategic partners showed a significant degree of happiness with the following ICA’s themes: employees’ performance, communication channels, provision and exchange of information, practices with partners, operational processes, strategy performance application and monitoring, national agendas, transparency, and integrity.  Al Hammadi concluded his presentation by commending the partners for the joint coordination accomplished which led to achieving the desired positive impact of the partnership.

According to the Forum agenda, a second presentation was made by H.E. Eng. Tarek Abd Elkarim Alawadi, Executive Director of the Frequency Spectrum Department in TRA. He informed the participants on the Fifth Generation (5G) Initiative which aims at supporting big data speed, digital transformation, and development of smart cities, new digital products, and innovative services as well as reducing the operating costs, increasing efficiency, productivity, and revenues in addition to finding a smart platform for information technology and telecommunications applications. Alawadi also presented the road map for the initiative and UAE’s strategy for the Fifth Generation (5G).

The last presentation was delivered by Mohammed Essa Al Hammadi, Senior Manager of Retail Sales Services at ADNOC Distribution Company. The attendees got acquainted with ADNOC smart services which include the secure account service “ADNOC Portfolio”, smart payment methods through the portfolio, and its activation mechanism. Moreover, Al Hammadi spoke about “ON THE GO” stations for refueling and shopping without getting down from your car. This requires a valid Emirati ID and registration for your ADNOC portfolio.

It is said that ICA, through its corporate partnership approach, is considered one of the first federal government entities to provide its services to customers using the latest smart services and one of the leading entities in developing its services in cooperation and coordination with its partners in a way that meets the expectations and achieves the happiness of customers.

At the end of the forum, the speakers and partners were honored in the presence of the representatives of partners from various local and federal entities.

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