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Page last updated on : 13/04/2021 - 8:09 am

ICA takes part in “Earth Hour”


The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) participated in the “Earth Hour”, one of the largest environmental initiatives the world celebrates annually, including switching off non-essential electric lights and equipment for an hour.
ICA is taking part in the world’s largest annual environmental event: the Earth Hour, to emphasize its commitment to the best international standards to reduce our environmental footprint, cut off pollution, and disseminate environmental awareness, so as to create a sustainable safe environment on the country level.
The ICA mentions that this event is a transnational opportunity to show solidarity with environmental advocacy initiatives, and encourage all strata of the society to take a positive action towards finding a safe environment.
ICA said that thanks to the UAE efforts, and the directives of its wise leadership, the country took great strides in dealing with climate change, and reducing the environmental footprint by taking a number of national initiatives, and taking some measures to mitigate climate change and adapt to its impacts.
Earth Hour is a global event aiming to protect the environment, reduce greenhouse effect, and regulate energy consumption by turning off unwanted lights. The ICA’s participation in this event is an opportunity to show support for our planet Earth and to show our social responsibility in building a sustainable future for all.

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