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Page last updated on : 16/10/2020 - 11:54 am

“ICA” succeeds in upgrading “ISO Quality Management” Certification


Updated all its Applicable Guides

The General Directorate of Identity at Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship announced its success to upgrade its certification of the quality management system (ISO 9001:2015) after implementing all the approved standards to obtain such certification according to the final results of internal/external audit on its processes carried out by the international validators certified by the British Standards Institution (BSI) as per the international best practices in this field.

H.E Brigadier Mansour Ahmed Al Zahiri – Acting Director-General of Identity at ICA received the new certificate from the British Embassy’s delegation in the State and the BSI, included Ms. Windy D. Luka – Deputy Director of the Department of International Trade in the British Embassy, Yahya El Olabi – Regional Manager of BSI and Sulaiman Baydoun– Business Development director at BSI Group.


The certificate receiving ceremony made by ICA was represented by Major Jamal Al Khateri, Director of Strategy and Future Department, Dr. Ahmed Al Jabri – Corporate Governance Consultant of the ICA’s Board, and Khawla Al Tayer – Director of Strategy and Future Department at the General Directorate of Identity, as well as a number of the Department’s employees.


The General Directorate of Identity at ICA completed updating all the guides applicable therein in the quality management field in preparation for the evaluation; besides assessing the relevant risks of all its main and supporting operations, the matter which enabled it to meet all the requirements of the certificate upgrade.


Abdulaziz Al Maamari – Director of the Government Communication Department at ICA said that the success of the General Directorate of Identity in obtaining such a certificate with a new level confirms its keenness to continue developing its performance according to the most recent studies and international practices in the field of operation management and the strategic operational planning for projects and practices in all its types; moreover, implementing the best standards in customer service and quality management; as well as its success in the continuous development of the efficiency standards of its services in line with the guidelines of the wise leadership and the State government approach to provide government services that bring happiness to customers.

He added that the Directorate was keen, through the certification qualification journey, to implement the best international practices in the operation’s field, and improve the effectiveness of the procedure, systems, and applications, and adopt the international requirements related to the ISO Quality Management in a manner that helps to contribute actively in achieving the strategic objectives of ICA as well as improving the services providing level, increasing employees and customer satisfaction rates as a result of enhancing the operational performance efficiency and boosting productivity.

Al Maamari affirmed ICA’s keenness to develop its procedures as well as the services provided by all its directorates all over the State, and adherence to implementing the comprehensive quality management standards, in addition to the adoption of risk management policy in all its processes; aiming at learning lessons from any relevant risks faced by ICA, which supports its ability to limit its consequences in the future and foreseeing the future challenges to address such risks more positively and by means based on action and not reaction towards incidents.

It’s worth mentioning that ICA obtained this certificate for the first time in 2009 and managed to retain and renew it for the past nine years. ICA was very keen this year to upgrade it according to the thinking approach based on risk to identify possible opportunities and threats affecting the work environment internally and externally, which requires developing an actual strategic plan and a directive led by the higher management and a real administrative system increases the competency and effectiveness of ICA and reflects on its productivity level.

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