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Page last updated on : 24/01/2021 - 6:15 pm

ICA receives “Artificial Intelligence (AI) Institutional Maturity” & Future Management Tools (FMT) Certificates


The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA), represented by the Department of Administrative Affairs of the Support Services Sector, obtained the “Artificial Intelligence Institutional Maturity” and Future Management Tools (AI & FMT) certification, after receiving a specialized training program that aims at analyzing the potentials supporting the establishment of artificial intelligence and future management tools ecosystem within the ICA. This contributes to strengthening the ICA’s capacities and enables the Department of Administrative Affairs to achieve the preferential advantage in its services.
His Excellency Brigadier Suhail Saeed Al Khaili, Acting Director-General of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship praised the outstanding efforts exerted by the Department of Administrative Affairs to obtain the “Artificial Intelligence Institutional Maturity” certificate. Efforts aimed at developing teamwork -building through equipping teams with artificial intelligence and future management tools, which helped establish a vital link between the Department’s services and the key tools and reorder its priorities.
It is noteworthy that the development outputs enhanced with artificial intelligence aspects and future management tools, will accelerate technological transformation and innovation in light of evaluating services and service experiences to improve the quality of life. This is commensurate with ICA’s orientation towards achieving excellence through developing a pioneering model to address the requirements of the coming period in preparation for the next 50.

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