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Page last updated on : 12/10/2020 - 1:45 pm

“ICA” praises and honors its female employees on the Mother’s Day


Sheikha Fatima “Mother of the Nation” applauds the Occasion

Today, ICA has celebrated Mother’s Day; extended its congratulations to all mothers in the UAE who have demonstrated that they are the best example of unremitting giving and a symbol of generosity without seeking recognition.

ICA stated that celebrating mothers is a kind of appreciation for their great kindness being the ones who give birth to real men and raise generations as well as their role as partners in progress and achievement. ICA expressed its wishes to the mothers with more giving and to keep up being the light of their sons’ life.

ICA gave its regards to the great role of the mother’s status in building a good family, raising and nurturing generations that contribute to the service of the country and maximize its achievements and raise its flag high.

ICA congratulated Her Highness Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak, Chairwoman of General Women’s Union, Supreme Chairwoman of the Family Development Foundation, Chairwoman of the Supreme Council of Motherhood and Childhood, and “Mother of the Nation”, in recognition of her leading role in building up the Emirati society, strengthening its foundations and maintaining the values of goodness and giving in it through her ongoing initiatives aimed at supporting Emirati women in general and honoring mothers and appreciating their sacrifices in particular.

On this occasion, ICA honored several mother employees in all its departments and organizational units all over the UAE as well as a number of mother customers; asserting that such honoring reflects the meaning of motherhood and keenness on instilling the highest sense of charity in dealing with mothers, these being the symbol of continuous life and the pillar of a happy and stable family.

ICA gave its female employees bouquets of flowers and simple gifts in appreciation of their role in fulfilling ICA’s objectives, mission, and vision on one hand and looking after their children and families on other hand; besides allowing them to leave their workplace 2 hours earlier before the end of their working hours to share the celebration with their families and children on such human occasion.

ICA’s customer happiness centers also gave flowers to the female customers who visited the centers on that day, and sweets were also served to customers and employees.

ICA assured that the Emirati mothers contributed effectively to the prosperity and advancement of this country; thus enabling it to occupy a prestigious position among all countries of the world through their diligence on urging their children to love their country and be loyal to it and on teaching them to sacrifice their lives to protect its soil and elevate its position; noting that honoring mothers should not be limited to this Day, but it is a duty over days and years.

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