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Page last updated on : 10/08/2022 - 7:44 am

“ICA” plants Mesquite in its Headquarters’ Garden


ICA organized a ceremony for planting a mesquite tree in its Headquarters garden in Abu Dhabi, as a symbol for the Year of Tolerance in the State, to celebrate the initiative of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai.

Colonel Khamis Mohammed Al Kaabi, Executive Director of the Support Services Sector in ICA, and a number of Department directors and officers in ICA participated in planting the tree.

After planting the tree, Al Kaabi emphasized that Mesquite is a significant symbol and means a lot to the UAE people. It is a good plant deeply rooted in this kind of land, towards which the inhabitants of these kind lands have always resorted, whether on their journeys or at their dwellings. Besides, it is a national tree representing endurance and adaption in the desert, and a significant cultural value for its connection to the identity and heritage of the UAE.

He further added that ICA is always keen on being the leading entity among those responding to the wise leadership directives and insights, with a view to promoting UAE regionally and internationally. He noted the several initiatives to be launched by ICA’s sectors, departments, and centers during the Year of Tolerance for emphasizing and enhancing such noble value in the UAE community, so that it remains to be an example for co-existence, accepting and respecting others and banishing grudge and rancor.

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