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Page last updated on : 10/08/2022 - 8:19 am

ICA participates in “UAE Hackathon” in Ajman


ICA participated in the events of UAE Hackathon 2019, which was held last week at Ajman University under the motto “data for happiness and quality of life”. These events were attended by Brigadier Mohammed Abdullah Alwan, Director General of GDRFA – Ajman, and a number of GDRFA officers.

ICA was represented in this event by Second Lieutenant Rashid Ali Al Sharqi and two employees from GDRFA – Ajman: Abdullah bin Da’en and Saif Sultan Elwan.

The three ICA’s representatives put forward several innovative ideas, which contribute to finding effective and creative solutions that enhance the use of artificial intelligence in developing and promoting public services to reach the best levels, and to fully transform to the smart platforms.

Notably, UAE Hackathon had 30 participating teams, 27 of which presented diverse ideas to the arbitration committee, and 10 teams were chosen as finalists.

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