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Page last updated on : 14/08/2022 - 1:12 pm

“ICA’ participates in the meeting of “National Elections Committee”


The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship participated in the meeting of the National Elections Committee, which was chaired by HE Abdul Rahman Mohammed Nasser Al Owais, Ministry of State for Federal National Council Affairs.

The Committee discussed the latest developments, preparations, preparations for the upcoming elections, and mechanisms for forming the electoral bodies. The main committees of the National Elections Committee, the Emirates Committee, the Security Committee, the Media Committee, the Election Management Committee, and the Smart Systems Committee.

It is noteworthy that the identity card issued by the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship formed the base for the work of the system of electronic voting in the elections of the Federal National Council in October of 2015, which was the only document that authorizes the members of electoral bodies to exercise their right of voting in the days of early voting and on the day of voting, the matter which contributed to introducing the elections in a form consistent with the great development witnessed by the UAE in various fields and sectors.

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