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Page last updated on : 12/10/2020 - 1:57 pm

ICA Participates in “Earth Hour” Celebrations


Calling its Employees, Partners and Customers for Rationalization of Electricity Consumption

ICA participated in “Earth Hour 2018” worldwide celebrations held all over the world yesterday, Saturday’s evening under the motto “Connect to Earth”. ICA participation in the event included turning off the lights in its Headquarters in Abu Dhabi and in all its Customer Happiness Centers across UAE from 08:30 pm to 09:30 pm.

ICA participated in that event, one of the largest environmental events, with a view to spread awareness of the importance of preserving the environment, establish the rationalization of consumption culture and raise awareness of the importance of the smart management of the Earth’s resources. This in turn would limit the negative environmental phenomena with adverse effect on the living organisms.

ICA urged its employees, partners and customers to rationalize electricity consumption whether at work or at homes by using power saving electronic devices, optimizing lamps and setting the temperature of air-conditioners at the ideal degree. It further highlighted its several initiatives, solutions and technological applications with a view to contribute in reducing energy consumption and preserving the environment through technologies used to produce ID cards or by updating and replacing the devices used in its Customer Happiness Centers to reduce energy consumption.

ICA also emphasized its commitment to reduce its carbon footprint by reducing the gas emissions resulting from its operations. This would in turn limit the Earth’s rising temperature and reduce global warming.

ICA also stated that UAE is considered one of the global leading countries in adopting sustainable solutions in various fields. UAE has launched many initiatives and projects taken as models to be followed to transform towards a change in the consumption patterns and rationalization to protect and preserve natural resources in order to maintain best living standards for the current and coming generations and reduce the impact of human activities on natural resources.

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