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Page last updated on : 16/10/2020 - 11:54 am

“ICA” participates in brainstorming with college and school students about “service development”


ICA’s Strategy and Future Department organized a brainstorming session on the development of services provided by ICA to its customers to create innovative ideas and suggestions in such a field.

The female employee / Sheikha Al-Dhahnani– chief corporate excellence administration officer presented, during the session held at the brainstorming hall in the ICA’s Innovation Center, which was participated in by many students from the Higher College of Technology and Al Dana School in Abu Dhabi, an illustration about the key principles and standards for holding brainstorming sessions to introduce them to the basic rules thereof and its importance in creating innovative ideas.

Major Jamal Al-Khateri, Director of Strategy and Future Department at ICA, clarified in the session during which the participants were divided into groups led by students, the importance of the session’s chairperson to accomplish brainstorming sessions successfully by maintaining a serious discussion, and focusing on the session’s subject matter, and avoiding the distraction of ideas, as well as creating a positive and motivating environment that contributes to achieve excellent results and generate innovative ideas and creative solutions.

At the end of the session, which witnessed plenty of useful ideas and suggestions, ICA’s employees took the students in a tour where they listened to a brief about the Innovation and Creativity Center established by ICA in its headquarters at Khalifa City according to the best international standards with a view of creating a rich and fertile environment to generate, discuss and develop more excellent and innovative ideas, as well as adopting and applying innovative approaches. They wandered at ICA’s Customer Happiness Center in Khalifa City, and the Center’s employees presented an explanation to the students about the ID issuance procedures, work nature in the divisions, and the services provided by the Center to the customers.

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