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Page last updated on : 16/10/2020 - 11:54 am

“ICA” organizes workshop on “Operational Indicators and Administrative Operations”


Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship organized a workshop to its employees titled “The Operational Indicators and Administrative Operations” intended for reviewing the performance indicators specified for its projects, initiatives, and operations carried out by ICA, to ensure the quality of the results and take the appropriate development and improvement procedures in order to achieve its strategic objectives.

The workshop, held at Al Raha Beach Hotel – Abu Dhabi, in the framework of ICA to develop its performance and upgrade and develop its distinctive experience in strategic planning; as well as providing the best excellent services to bring happiness to its customers and meet their aspirations and prospects towards achieving its objective directed to the government approach towards adopting the best practices in all its relevant fields, and contributing actively to achieve the competitive edge and the leading position of the United Arab Emirates.

The workshop, attended by HE Brigadier Saeed Rakan Al Rashidi, Acting Director-General of Foreigners Affairs and Ports, and HE Brigadier Suhail Juma’a Al Khaiaili, Acting Director-General of Nationality, and the directors of the regulating departments and units, as well as some of ICA employees, emphasized the importance of utilizing the indicators as tools for management and motivation and an instrument to control performance and reach the best levels and to motivate the employees towards participating effectively in the direction of achieving ICA objectives, not merely tools for monitoring and auditing performance.

Major Jamal Al-Khateri, Director of Strategy and Future Department, called during the workshop for the importance of taking the necessary corrective actions in the event of observing any deviation from the indicators specified through providing accurate, updated, and integrated data in support of the development process and decision making within various levels in ICA enabling it to proceed its march towards corporate excellence.

Directors of Departments have made presentations giving participants a view of the performance indicators pertaining to each department; meanwhile, the participants discussed the development and formation of the operational indicators in a manner that reflects the actual performance of every organizational unit, emphasizing the significance of focusing on the strengths and identifying the challenges and weaknesses to overcome and turn them into opportunities for improvement.

The workshop focused further on the importance of the continuing development of operations and policies approached by ICA, as well as the initiatives, programs, and work systems so adopted; affirming the pursuit of the local best practices followed in different areas and guaranteeing the optimal implementation of such practices in a way that provides a motivation to develop and enhance work excellence.

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