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Virtual Tour

Page last updated on : 25/08/2021 - 11:34 am

ICA Organizes Virtual Workshop titled “Woman,, aspiration and splendid future towards the next 50 years” in conjunction with the UAE Women Day


The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship “ICA” organized a virtual workshop presented by Her Excellency Dr. Mariam Matar, Chairman of UAE Genetic Diseases Association and in recognition from ICA to the UAE women achievements and her vital role in accomplishing unprecedented breakthroughs in addition to her contribution to boosting the journey of UAE growth and prosperity.
This initiative is launched in conjunction with the celebration of the UAE Women Day on 28th August to assure the aspiration of the Mother of Emirates to enhance the leading position of the UAE women worldwide given her belief of the innovative capabilities and skills as well as her creative role in future foresight through outstanding tangible achievements and leading track records in a spectrum of science, knowledge and development areas and different aspects of life.

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