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Page last updated on : 16/10/2020 - 11:54 am

“ICA” Organizes the “2nd Excellence Forum” for its employees


The Department of Strategy and Future at the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship organized the “Second Excellence Forum” for ICA’s employees, which aimed at enhancing the interaction with them and encouraging them to develop their performance in order to contribute to achieving the excellence desired by ICA.

His Excellency Brigadier Mansour Ahmed Al Dhaheri, Acting Director General of Identity, praised the efforts of the ICA’s staff and their dedication to the performance of their duties and their active participation in the initiatives and projects carried out by ICA. He invited each employee to focus on developing his skills and abilities, to be able to reserve a privileged place in senior positions.

He pointed out that the senior leadership of any institution is in urgent need to attract, train, retain and rehabilitate talent and efficient people for leading positions to be able to enhance its competitiveness and maintain its achievements.

Al Dhaheri urged employees to continue to provide the best    efforts to improve the work of ICA and develop the services provided to its customers and upgrade them to the level of seven stars, achieving its goal to support the Government’s direction to adopt best practices in all areas of its work and to contribute effectively to the achievement of competitive advantage and leading position of UAE.

He also called on all employees of ICA to make excellence and performance development a daily approach in their work and to implement them in all projects and initiatives implemented in the framework of its endeavor to reflect its vision and achieve its mission to contribute effectively to achieving the national agenda, future foresight and keep abreast of developments to achieve the vision of UAE 2021 to be one of the best countries in the world.

Al Dhahiri stressed the importance of organizing workshops and regular forums for employees, during which they discuss the plans of ICA, its achievements, the implemented stages, the achievements fulfilled during each stage, focusing on the strengths, identifying the challenges and weaknesses in order to overcome them and turn them into opportunities for improvement.

Major Jamal Al-Khatiri, Director of Strategy and Future Department at ICA, said that ICA will organize a number of meetings in the next phase aimed at enhancing interaction with employees and raising the level of efficiency and sense of their job affiliation and motivating them to actively contribute to the development of work and performance improvement to achieve goals and leadership.

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