The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship organized the Customers Forum with the aim of identifying their expectations and suggestions to improve and develop the ICA’s services. Present at the forum were His Excellency Major General Suhail Saeed Al Khaili, Acting Director General of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, a number of directors, heads of the ICA’s departments, and a number of customers from different segments of the society.
The forum was inaugurated by His Excellency Major General Al Khaili, with a speech whereby he explained the ICA’s keenness to organize the customers` forum in view of its importance in direct communication with the public to get to know their ideas and let them express their opinions and suggestions as partners in developing services and the mechanisms for providing them.
Discussing the challenges and proposals for solutions, the ICA also briefed the customers on the accomplishments and developments it has achieved, and the goals it aspires to fulfill through the studies and plans it carried out in anticipating the future of services until 2030.
At the end of the forum, Al Khaili thanked the attendees for their active participation and positive interaction in enriching the dialogue through their suggestions, ideas, and feedback, which constitute pivotal inputs in developing services and improving operations to promote the level of service and customers happiness.
Page last updated on : 14/07/2021 - 10:53 am
ICA Organizes Customers Forum to Discuss Challenges, and Solutions for Developing Services
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