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Page last updated on : 08/09/2020 - 6:37 pm

“ICA” organizes a workshop for its employees on the “Customer Happiness Indicator”


Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship organized a workshop for its employees on the “Customer Happiness Indicator”, in cooperation with the Cabinet Office, to inform them about the second phase of the implementation of Indicator and learning them about the technical requirements required by the application process and linking mechanisms with ICA systems.

The workshop is part of the UAE Government’s launch of the second phase of the implementation of the Customer Happiness Indicator, which will measure the levels of happiness towards the services they receive through all channels, whether the Customer Happiness Centers, websites, or smartphone applications.

Participants in the workshop, which was held at the headquarters of ICA in Khalifa City, Abu Dhabi, listened to a presentation that included the definition of Happiness Indicator, the technical linking mechanism between it, ICA’s systems and Indicator central database. The participants learned about the mechanism of dealing with the interactive Dashboard, which allows us to see the results achieved by all Customer Happiness Centers according to the Indicator, the matter which supports the efforts to develop the services rendered to customers and improves the standard of living in the State.

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