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Page last updated on : 08/09/2020 - 7:05 pm

“ICA” opens the door to training for university students in its “Academy “


ICA granted certificates and financial rewards

The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship announced the opening of admission for the nationals of university students in the summer training programs organized by ICA’s Emirates Identity and Citizenship Academy for the current year.

ICA invited national students of universities, who are studying in UAE or abroad, who wish to enroll in these programs to start applying for the registration applications to benefit from the excellent training opportunities offered by the Academy by enabling them to develop their skills and develop their experience in field works and supporting their practice and study outcome with more sciences and knowledge whether in field of specialization or the near fields.

The academy’s summer program runs for 6 weeks starting from this Sunday, July 8, till next August 16 and over the course of weekly working days, while the trainees, who will join the program, will start from 9 am to 1 pm.

ICA clarified that the Academy programs include training courses in the fields of seven-star service skills, customer satisfaction, loyalty, and national affiliation, government communication skills, laws governing the entry and residence of foreigners, internal visits including ICA’s departments and customer happiness centers, as well as the practical exercises on the implementation of issuing Emirates ID Card, e-passport and entry and residence permits procedures.

ICA said that it will provide the trainees certified training certificates and will be given a financial reward, as well as giving priority to the distinguished trainees in appointment in the jobs available according to the rules and regulations governing this process.

ICA has set three conditions for admission to the Summer programs of the Academy. The applicant must be UAE national and must be registered at a university approved by the Ministry

of Education, whether the university is inside or outside the state, and the age is not less than 18 years.

Students who wish to enroll in the above programs can apply via e-mail (, accompanied by a copy of their ID card, student’s university card, and phone number. Applications receiving will begin on Sunday, 1st of July, and continues until Thursday, 5th of the same month.

ICA affirmed that this step comes within the framework of its commitment to fulfilling its responsibilities towards the community and contribution to upgrading the potentials, abilities, and skills needed by the youth who will enter the labor market so as to be able to compete strongly in various fields and to use the summary of what they have learned and trained to achieve development and handle the various challenges that UAE is seeking to go through to bridge to its future.

ICA added that it will continue her efforts to support and develop the knowledge community by encouraging continuous learning, scientific research and providing learning opportunities for university and college students, as well as its positive interaction with the UAE community in order to serve the vision of wise leadership to make UAE one of the best countries in the world in various fields.

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