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Page last updated on : 04/08/2021 - 8:51 am

ICA Launches “We Commit to Win” initiative in Al Ain to Raise Awareness of Precautionary Measures to Curb COVID-19


In light of the decisions issued by the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority, the Ministry of Health and Prevention, and in view of the government’s efforts to take advanced health measures to protect the society against Covid-19 virus, the “We Commit to Win” initiative was implemented at Al Ain Customer Happiness Center. The initiative was taken in line with the precautionary and preventive measures adopted by the country during such a critical period to prevent the spread of the pandemic and maintain safety and public health.
The initiative included distributing sterile materials, masks, gloves, and healthy water to customers of all categories and different nationalities to raise awareness of the importance of sterilization as one of the precautionary measures followed. The Director of the Customer Happiness Center, Mr. Hamoud Al Nuaimi, was reported to have distributed 100 bags of cleanliness materials to security, service, and maintenance workers.
It is worth noting that the launch of the “We Commit to win” initiative marked Eid Al-Adha celebrations, where the public interacted with the initiative that aims at protecting them and their safety and enhancing the preservation of the community public health.

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