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Page last updated on : 03/11/2020 - 8:16 am

ICA launches its new logo


Consisting of elements with authentic significance and values

Al Shamsi: The Logo confirms that ICA’s Role is consistent with the Wise Leadership Approach

ICA has announced the launch of its new logo after completing its design to be suitable for the new stage it is getting into after issuing the Federal Decree No (3) of 2107. Subject to this Decree, all competencies and authorities mandated to the Ministry of Interior related to the affairs of nationality, passports, entry, and stay of foreigners in the State were transferred.

The new logo consists of several elements including, the falcon head in black as a symbol of the State and indication of its strength, power and prosperity and the seven stars (in gold) which indicate the splendour and glory of UAE and its cultural achievements. It also includes the falcon wings, which express excellence, precedence and leadership, as well as UAE flag colours, the green, white, black and red. The green colour reflects UAE prosperity and its keenness to spread the spirit of hope and lasting optimism in its citizens and residents, the red refers to UAE pride, power and strength, the white to its permanent tendency towards spreading peace, values of tolerance and coexistence among people.

The circles on the falcon’s wings reflects ICA’s strive to enable the components of the artificial intelligence and utilizing its tools to develop its services and initiatives. This is to promote and enhance ICA’s capacity to implement its projects as per the highest standards of efficiency and effectiveness and to ensure improving the quality of its services to reach the highest global levels that achieve happiness and satisfaction of customers.

HE Ali Mohammed Bin Hammad Al Shamsi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ICA, said that the new logo was launched with a view to renew ICA’s visual identity, especially after its transition to a new stage in its history, where it assumes an increasing role, with more duties and customers. It is emphasizing that its role comes in line with the wise leadership adopted in the State and the vision it is

striving to achieve. This vision focuses on placing UAE among the best and most developed countries in terms of the standard of living.

He further added that ICA was keen that the new logo includes some elements with authentic significance and symbolic values on which UAE was built. These values include, clear vision, outlook towards the future with unlimited confidence and ambition, pride of UAE heritage, considered to be maintained in its present and future, as well. The logo should also be clear, simple and focused, with less visual elements as they may cause distraction and confusion of the basic idea that it aims to embody.

His Excellency highlighted that, through this logo, ICA reiterates its commitment to harness all its potentials to serve the country and contribute to its development and prosperity and to participate actively in achieving its security and prosperity. It also aims to be a cornerstone in the process of developing the government services and supporting decision-making. It is keen on performing this role in a perfect manner by taking advantage of the noticeable development in the area of information technology and electronic and network connectivity to achieve the integration of services with the various institutions in the State

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