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Page last updated on : 10/11/2020 - 2:56 pm

“ICA” Honors Head of Services Department


Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (“ICA”) honored the head of its services department, Omar Al-Ma’amari, in recognition of his outstanding efforts and his active role in providing the best logistics services, either to the main management building or the customer happiness centers of ICA.

This recognition comes within the framework of ICA’s keenness to motivate its creative and distinguished employees and to support the employees of its supervisory roles, which positively reflects on their relationship with the employees working within their responsibilities to contribute effectively to achieving the objectives of ICA.

During the ceremony, Al-Ma’amari received a certificate of appreciation from Saleh Al-Kathiri, Director of Human Resources Department, in the presence of Mubarak Al Ameri, Director of the Office of the Director General and number of employees of the services department.

The department staff presented a simple gift to Al-Maamari, expressing their thanks and gratitude to him for following up and guiding them continuously, which motivated them to achieve the best levels of performance and to accomplish the tasks required from them in the best way.

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