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Page last updated on : 02/07/2021 - 2:37 pm

ICA holds the Second Forum for Reviewing Future Foresight Scenarios of the UAE Nationals’ Experience 2030


The ICA, represented by its Future Foresight Team, is holding ongoing forums to review and adopt scenarios for shaping the future. The ICA held the second forum about the future scenarios of UAE Nationals’ Experience 2030, considered as one of the key themes undertaken by the ICA as part of its specialized tasks.
The ICA Future Foresight Team held the two-day forum to adopt the key international trends and future scenarios for 2030 about developing and providing services that keep abreast with the latest developments and promote UAE nationals’ experience.
Representatives from various ICA departments concerned with UAE nationals’ experience attended the forum, including Strategy and Future Department, Customers’ Happiness Department, Human Resources Department, Information Technology Department, and Youth Council.
The ICA is keen on adopting the best innovative practices, as well as state-of-the-art techniques in developing services and operations, and their provision mechanisms, so as to ultimately promote the quality of life, and enhance the UAE competitiveness to be among the best future governments.

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