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Page last updated on : 08/09/2020 - 7:30 am

“ICA” expands violators reception centers to accommodate great attendance


His Excellency Brigadier Saeed Rakan Al Rashidi, Director General of Foreigners Affairs and Ports in Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, confirmed the expansion of many reception centers for residency violators wishing to benefit from the “Protect Yourself by Changing Your Status” Initiative and adding fully equipped tents due to the great attendance of violators who wish to change their status.

He said in a report published by Al Bayan newspaper today, quoting from MOI’s 999 Magazine, that these centers have witnessed a great attendance due to the great success achieved by the initiative to change the status of violators of the Law of Entry and Residency of Foreigners in the state. The transactions of visitors are done easily and they get an exemption from fines and legal consequences that may have resulted from the violation of the procedures of those wishing to leave to their countries are completed with dignity and without any impediments, consequences, or deprivation, in light of the ease and procedures and the efforts of ICA staff who are receiving them, completing their transactions, guiding them and answering their questions.

Al-Rashidi stressed in a statement to MOI’s 999 Magazine, in its last edition, that the exemptions and privileges provided by the initiative did not leave any excuse for any violator to continue the offense and not to seek any benefit to change his status. He warned that after the grace period, ICA will organize an intensive search campaign to prosecute violators of Foreigners Entry and Residency Law and deterrent legal procedures will be taken against them as they commit a crime punishable by Law.

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