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Virtual Tour

Page last updated on : 12/07/2021 - 12:28 pm

ICA conducts a virtual workshop on “A remarkable Success Story” for one of its Employees.


The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship organized a virtual workshop hosting Professor Amani Al – Nuaimi, an employee in Ajman Customer Happiness Center to speak about her unique experience in facing challenges to achieve her scientific and professional aspirations.
Nuaimi recalled her remarkable success story in the challenge of becoming blind since an early age, however, her determination and willpower led her to the scientific success path by obtaining a master’s degree in Strategy and Leadership, whereupon entering the world of entrepreneurship through launching a Special Perfume Production project, and that earned her a distinguished reputation and position, as the most in-demand perfume in the market.
This event is based on the ICA belief in its employees’ competencies and capacities to upturn obstacles into opportunities for success and remarkable achievements and in light of the wise leadership vision that the word impossible does not exist in the UAE dictionary.

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