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Page last updated on : 13/04/2021 - 8:40 am

ICA claims five of 2020 Global Business Excellence Awards


Pursuing its leadership as a service provider, the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) won the 2020 Global Business Excellence Awards. ICA was crowned the best global organization in the following five categories: outstanding app, outstanding website, outstanding executive granted to brigadier general Khamis Mohammed Al Kaabi- Executive Director of ICA Support Services Affairs-, outstanding innovation during Covid 19 won by “Protect Yourself by Modifying your Status” initiative and the 2020-2021 “digital transformation strategy”, and outstanding innovation granted to the government’s shift to electronic family book.
The ICA was granted this award after competing against several global organizations representing the public and private sector. ICA passed several stages starting with acceptance of the award submission, fulfillment of criterion for each of the aforementioned categories, until the announcement of winners after a transparent and accurate evaluation.
HE Major General Suhail Saeed Al-Khaili, acting director-general of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) said he takes pride in this pioneering achievement which puts the ICA on the map of the best government agencies worldwide, and enhances its competitiveness as a leading role model. Al-Khaili further stressed that such an achievement is the outcome of the wise leadership that sowed the seeds of unwavering determination, galvanized motivation, empowered, and gave limitless support to its people to stand out, be a pioneer, and achieve competitive international ranks.

Al-Khaili also praised the ongoing efforts of the ICA staff during its journey to acquire this achievement, considered as a new incentive for the ICA in its steady march towards fulfilling its vision and strategic goals, in addition to attaining more progress and leading accomplishments.
Global Business Excellence Awards are granted by Awards Intelligence, UK. Its awards are one of the mostly renowned prizes aiming to nurture a global institutional culture and create a highly-competitive conducive business environment that enhances the chances of development, improvement, creativity, innovation, proactivity, and institutional flexibility, so as to ultimately focus more on the expectations of customers, staff, investors, and community at large.

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