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Page last updated on : 12/10/2020 - 2:13 pm

“الهوية والجنسية” تحتفل باليوم العالمي للتوحد


Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship and its Customer Happiness Centers all over the state celebrated last night the “World Autism Day” and organized many events aimed at raising awareness of this disease and increasing attention to the patients suffering from it as part of the activities organized by various agencies in the state under the slogan ” Lets Unite For Autism”.

ICA stressed its keenness to contribute to enabling individuals with autism to participate actively in building their homeland and supporting their civil rights, in particular, their right to education and employment, and exercise their life normally in the same way as their peers from different sectors of society.

ICA commended the approach adopted by UAE, under the guidance of its wise leadership, in the field of caring for people who suffer from autism disorder in particular and the people of determination in general, which is reflected in initiatives that focus on enabling families to deal with their children affected by this disorder and provide guidance for mothers in particular to monitor the early symptoms of autism, and the awareness programs in schools and universities to accommodate people with autism and help teachers to deal optimally with them.

The participation of ICA in the event included the lighting of its outside main building and a number of its centers with the blue color, which globally symbolizes the autism disorder. The center staff distributed blue shirts and badges to the customers and employees in the fields of hospitality, guarding, and cleaning, and they also launched blue balloons in the air, to express the symbolic and moral support for the persons suffered from this disease.

It is noteworthy that ICA gives great importance to the people of determination in the context of its commitment to the values of social responsibility and works to overcome all obstacles they face in their integration into society and achieve the best results at various levels.

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