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Page last updated on : 12/07/2021 - 10:50 am

ICA carries out an evacuation drill with the General Directorate of Civil Defense


The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) carried out an evacuation drill in collaboration with the General Directorate of Civil Defense. Many organizational departments at the ICA, participated in the evacuation drill as part of the ICA’s keenness to raise awareness and train cadre to deal with different challenges and find the optimal methods for managing emergencies.
HE director-general of ICA, several leaders, employees, and ICA customers participated in the evacuation drill and followed up its exercises, so as to closely identify the optimal means for encountering the fire impact and to set priorities for saving life and property, in addition to identifying evacuation route to reach assembly points.
The evacuation drill shows the ICA’s keenness to carry out practical exercises as part of the efforts to apply Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Management System to safeguard community members

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