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Page last updated on : 11/10/2020 - 6:24 am

ICA Board of Directors briefed on Coronavirus Countering Efforts


Wednesday, 22nd April 2020

The Board of Directors of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship held its second meeting in 2020 via video conferencing chaired by H.E. Ali Mohammed Al Shamsi, Chairman of ICA Board of Directors, with the attendance of all board members.

At the outset of the meeting, H.E. ICA Board Chairman appreciated the latest resolutions taken by the UAE Cabinet in response to the requirements of the current conditions undergone by the whole world due to the spread of the novel coronavirus “COVID-19” pandemic.

H.E. Al Shamsi also praised the performance level of the ICA teamwork during the last period despite the challenges associated with the spread of coronavirus, particularly in the aspect related to handling transit passengers through the UAE airports as well as in the case of facilitating the return of the expatriates residing in the UAE in line with a rigorous mechanism; in addition to the effective contribution of the ICA in the area of inter-coordination with the partners. As a result, the early vacation was approved in collaboration with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization, as well as contribution to bringing back the stranded UAE nationals to the homeland in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. H.E. Al Shamsi further called for more endeavors and collaboration towards the effective participation in the national efforts to combat the spread of coronavirus “COVID-19”.

The meeting attendees discussed a set of issues listed on the agenda related to the Digital Transformation Plan 2020-2021 for the ICA services, which aims to develop the services by adopting the world-leading best new technologies in conformity with the state’s directions and to achieve the UAE’s Fourth Industrial Revolution Strategy.

The Board of Directors approved, during the meeting, the business continuity strategy in the event of emergency stressing the importance of finalizing the readiness to deal with different potential scenarios. ICA board members also reviewed a set of issues associated with the work mechanisms along with other related topics and accordingly, took the proper decisions.


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