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Page last updated on : 16/10/2020 - 11:54 am

ICA and ZHO organize a brainstorming session to develop People of Determination’s services


ICA emphasizes its keenness to provide the best services for the People of Determination

ICA emphasizes its care for the People of Determination and keens on providing them with all types of support, being an important and active category in society. This is reflected in the several initiatives aiming at providing them with the best services.


This came during a brainstorming session organized by ICA at the Innovation Center in its headquarters in Khalifa city, in cooperation with a delegation from Zayed Higher Organization for Humanitarian Care and Special Needs. This session aims at learning about the views of the Organization’s interested parties on the possible cooperation between them and discussing the ideas, visions, and proposals, which may contribute to improving and developing the services provided for the People of Determination in various areas.


On receiving the delegation, Major Jamal Al Khateri, Director of Strategy and Future Department at ICA, stated that ICA’s approach towards the People of Determination is inspired from the wise leadership, which does it best to achieve all the aspirations and requirements of such category, ensuring them the right to a decent life and active participation in all aspects of life.


He further expressed ICA’s care for making the best use of such meetings, which actively contribute to translating and supporting its efforts to benefit from the People of Determination’s great abilities, potentials, and talents by overcoming the obstacles and challenges they face daily.


Al Khateri also highlighted the pivotal role assumed by the People of Determination in society. They actively contribute to building and serving the State, participate in the different events and at all levels, and make achievements that raise the reputation of UAE to a remarkable place in international forums. Accordingly, all national institutions and organizations shall provide such categories with all the needed support, help integrate them in society, and enable them to practice all their rights on equal footing with their normal peers.

During the brainstorming session, a set of proposals and projects were discussed, which may enhance the services and grant happiness to the People of Determination. ICA will develop the plans required to implement these proposals, after being included in its improvement initiatives and projects.


The visit included an orientation tour to the delegation in ICA’s Customer Happiness Center at Khalifa city. They learned about the work procedures in the different sections of the Center and the nature of employees’ duties, as well as the mechanism of registering customers in the Population Register and Identity Cards.

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