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Page last updated on : 22/08/2021 - 10:49 am

ICA adds 15 working hours per week at Al Nahda Center


In its endeavor to upgrade the quality of services provided and to realize its customers’ aspirations and happiness, the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship announced the extension of working hours at Al Nahda customer Happiness Center in Dubai.
ICA stated that the new work schedule at the center starts from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., starting Sunday, 22 August 2021, with a total of 13 working hours per day, which enables the center to receive public with a greater carrying capacity and increasing the center’s production capacity by 30%.
These updates comes in light of the ICA’s proactive plans and strategic objectives to enhance the pioneering services provided to customers and Seeking to develop aspects of performance in accordance with the quality, efficiency standards of the work environment.
It is worth mentioning that ICA has achieved an advanced position in the fourth evaluation round of the Federal Government’s service centers within the Emirates Program for Excellence in Government Services, aiming to promote the State’s competitiveness in service delivery domain and realize its vision of being the top worldwide.

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