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Page last updated on : 16/10/2020 - 11:54 am

“Human Resources and Emiratisation”: ID card is required for applying for the job vacancies during the days of employment


Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation stated that the ID card is required for the access of the citizens to apply for the job vacancies offered in the days of employment, which continue over the year. It targets the job seekers by offering jobs in various sectors in cooperation with the private sector in order to organize the process and accurately calculate the number of job seekers.

Farida Al Ali, Assistant Undersecretary for National Human Resources Employment in the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, during her statement on “Al Bath Al Mobasher” Radio program that was published by Al-Khaleej newspaper, confirmed that the ID card is a prerequisite for the participation of the citizens in the days of employment, which are totally different from the employment exhibits, where the vacancies and names of companies are announced before the days of employment via all the available means and the official platforms of the Ministry.

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