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Page last updated on : 22/12/2022 - 1:44 pm

Higher Management Committee discusses registration and verification operations

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H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, has chaired the regular meeting of the Higher Management Committee, which was attended by the executive directors, a number of managers and members of the Strategic Backup Office at the Emirates Identity Authority.

The committee listened to the presentation made by the Registration Centers Department about the performance of the employees of registration centers for November 2011.

The committee decided to pay bonuses to the employees distinguished for their morals, performance, high productivity in registration centers and high production of ID cards. It also agreed to grant tenure to the distinguished employees who make high daily and monthly registrations.

The Emirates Identity Authority’s Higher Management Committee instructed the HR Department to take all the administrative procedures to reorganize the human resources working in registration centers and verification offices as per the work requirements.

After renewing the nature of work at the verification offices, the committee was briefed on the volume of pending transactions and the number of transactions concluded per day and per month. It was agreed that each employee in the verification offices complete 300 transactions per day.

The committee underlined the necessity for sending the appointments to all e-form registrants and stressed the importance of giving unified appointments for the members of one family and avoiding to give them appointment at different registration centers.

The committee discussed a number of agenda topics for which the appropriate decisions and recommendations were made.

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