Higher Management Committee agrees to participate in Emirates Programme for Excellent Government Services

Tuesday 12 April 2011

The Higher Management Committee at the Emirates Identity Authority has agreed that the Emirates ID participate in the optional first edition of the Emirates Programme for Excellent Government Services emanating from the UAE Vision 2021.

This was announced during the committee’s 40th regular meeting, which was held yesterday (Wednesday) at the Emirates Identity Authority’s main building under the chairmanship of H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, and attended by the executive directors.

The committee also agreed to cancel 3,000 transactions for customers who filled out e-forms at the typing offices but did not abide by the first appointment fixed for them to complete their registration and were more than two weeks late for the second appointment that the Emirates Identity Authority offered them to complete their registration in ID card and population register.

Based on the above, the committee called on all applicants and customers to abide by the appointments that the Emirates Identity Authority sends to them for completed registration, stressing the necessity for them to come to the registration center on the given day and time for completing the final stage of their registration, i.e. fingerprinting and photographing.

Besides, the committee decided to suspend six typing offices from filling out e-forms for two weeks due to their repeated errors in inputting data and their poor services provided to the public.

The committee reiterated its confirmation of and keenness on taking all the steps that would ensure the provision of qualitative and excellent services to the applicants and customers at the typing offices including the suspension of any typing office, which does not abide by the general frames and the excellent service standards as specified by the Emirates Identity Authority, from filling out e-forms, either temporarily or permanently, in a bid to ensure the convenience of applicants and customers.

Meanwhile, the committee listened to the consulting company’s report on projects under construction and others in the development stage. According to the report, around 95 per cent of the new Sharjah Registration Center has been completed while the interior redesigning project of the permanent registration centers in Dubai and the Northern Emirates is about to be completed.

The committee stressed the necessity to complete all the technical and administrative preparations for Sharjah Registration Center to operate in June so that its capacity would be raised to receive the increasing numbers of applicants and customers.

The committee also discussed a number of agenda items that were suggested by the ICT Department, Registration Centers Department and Population Register Department and the appropriate decisions and recommendations were made.