Higher Management at Emirates Identity Authority discusses job satisfaction survey results

Friday 7 October 2011

H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, has called on all organizational units at the Emirates Identity Authority to shoulder their responsibilities for increasing the degree of job satisfaction, consolidating the psychological stability conditions among all the Emirates Identity Authority’s employees and doubling the efforts aimed at enabling the Emirates Identity Authority to maintain its attractive work environment.

During the meeting held by the Emirates Identity Authority under his chairmanship to discuss the results of the job satisfaction survey, Al Khouri underlined the necessity to ensure harmony between the internal policies of all departments, sections and centers and the Higher Management’s orientation and multiple initiatives that were announced and contributed significantly to ensuring job stability including the promotion of around 350 employees of both sexes, activation of the bonus and incentive system and updating of other administrative systems.

Al Khouri noted the significant drop in the job rotation percentage inside the Emirates Identity Authority, which fell to its lowest level at 500 per cent to less than 2 per cent between the beginning of 2011 and the third quarter of this year. At the opposite side, there was an increasing rise in the Emiratization percentage as a result of the Emirates Identity Authority’s bid to attract many national cadres for work at its different departments, sections and centers, he said.

Al Khouri also stressed the necessity for the survey results to be studied promptly and evaluated from all aspects, provided that the departments concerned would prepare a detailed report containing their recommendations and suggestions as regards the urgent long-term solutions. A unified report would be subsequently submitted to the Higher Management Committee before the end of October so that the time range possible for implementing these recommendations would be configured, he said.

underlining the necessity for the training plan to be reviewed and updated in line with the requirements of the Emirates Identity Authority’s strategic plan, Al Khouri stressed the importance of regularly following up all the training courses held by the Emirates Identity Authority while continuing to measure their results one by one and checking how far these courses are beneficial to the employees and how much they contribute to crystallizing the employees’ skills and upgrading their knowledge.

The survey results showed that the overall satisfaction of the Emirates Identity Authority’s employees reached 70 per cent as targeted for 2011. The evaluation results rested on the relative importance of the viewpoint of employees who were fully satisfied with the Emirates Identity Authority’s vision, policy, strategy and social and environmental contributions and who were proud of the Emirates Identity Authority as a work environment. The employees also expressed their satisfaction with how much the Emirates Identity Authority appreciated their achievements and innovations.

Meanwhile, an average of over 50 per cent of the employees voiced their reservations about the evaluations that had not been fulfilled and the promotion decisions that had not been implemented. They also voiced their reservations about their non-participation in setting their own policies as employees and expressed their interest that the allowances and incentives given by the Emirates Identity Authority should be increased.

A number of fundamental directives that should enhance job satisfaction among the Emirates Identity Authority’s family members were approved during the meeting. These included respect for the policy of equal opportunities among employees as regards all procedures in a bid to administer justice and ensure integrity; adoption of a performance indicator that is not dependent on the employee’s average training hours;  and the provision of training courses in all sites of the Emirates Identity Authority across the UAE based on its keenness on developing the efficiency of employees and enhancing their skills.

It is noteworthy that the Emirates Identity Authority launched its first job satisfaction survey for the current year with the participation of 359 out of 854 employees representing all job categories from the different departments, sections and centers across the UAE. The survey was aimed at discovering the employees’ viewpoints as regards the Emirates Identity Authority’s reputation, vision and future position as well as the professional development opportunities offered by the Emirates Identity Authority.