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Page last updated on : 03/12/2021 - 11:52 am

Head of Oman Information Technology Authority visits “FAIC” Pavilion in “GITEX 2017”

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Dr. Salem bin Sultan Al Ruzaiqi, Chief Executive Officer of Oman Information Technology Authority, visited the pavilion of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship at “GITEX Technology Week 2017”.

FAIC’s team has briefed the Omani delegation on the latest projects, systems, electronic, smart programs and services provided to its customers, and the service features of the smart Emirates ID card, which allows institutions to use as an alternative to other identification documents.

The Omani delegation watched a presentation on the NFC fingerprint reader, which enables fingerprint reading without the need to scan it through traditional fingerprinting devices. This provides the FAIC’s customer happiness centers with a modern, developed, easier and quicker mean to ensure that the applicant for issuance f Emirates ID for the first time is not previously registered in the population register system, the matter which reflects positively on the level of customers satisfaction and shorten the time required to complete their transactions.

The delegation also reviewed the “My Shadow Data” initiative, which allows the holder of the Emirates ID card registered in the initiative to provide his / her personal data in various sectors (health, education, etc.) and the service providers, which enables the service provider to use the customer data stored in the population register system based on an agreement between the parties.

The delegation was briefed about the services provided by the Verification Gateway for individuals and institutions, which is considered one of the most important infrastructure development projects implemented by FAIC to support the transformation towards “smart” government and the identification of individuals through digital space.

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