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Page last updated on : 09/08/2022 - 5:05 pm

“Happiness Executive Team” at “ICA” discusses Customer Happiness initiatives


The Executive Team of Happiness and Life Quality at the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship discussed the initiatives, ideas, and suggestions that can be executed to improve the happiness and productivity levels at the Authority, which has a significant impact on the levels of customer satisfaction towards its services.

The team, during the first meeting which was headed by Nasser Al Abduli, Director of Customer Happiness Centers Support Department, Head of the team, viewed the requirements of the National Happiness and Positivity Programme, which aims at meeting the plans, programs, policies, and legislation of the State to achieve happiness and positivity in the society, motivate the government and private entities to inaugurate and adopt initiatives, projects, and policies to attain happiness and positivity in the society, develop indicators to measure the happiness levels in government and State bodies and establish the culture of happiness and positivity as a lifestyle in UAE and raise the awareness of its importance.

The participants of the meeting discussed the proposed plan to execute the initiatives of happiness and positivity, identify the financial, human, or technical resources required to implement them perfectly, define the mechanisms regarding assigning responsibilities and duties assigned to the team members to ensure that the desired objectives are achieved efficiently and effectively.

it’s worth mentioning that the executive team of happiness and life quality at ICA carries out a number of duties including, most notably ensuring the compatibility of all the legislations, policies, programs, and plans issued by ICA in a manner that achieves happiness and life quality to the society, customers, and employees, executing the programs and projects that have a direct effect on the happiness and quality life agenda, and following up them continuously to ensure effective implementation and remedy any obstacles that might impede the work progress.

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