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Page last updated on : 16/10/2020 - 1:49 pm

H.E. Major General Mansour Al Dhaheri discusses the areas of cooperation and coordination between Bangladesh and the Minister of Expatriate Welfare


H.E. Major General Mansour Ahmed Al Dhaheri, ICA’s Director-General, met H. E. Imran Ahmed, State Minister of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment for Bangladesh at ICA’s Headquarters. During the meeting, they discussed ways of cooperation and coordination regarding the Bangladeshi workers. Al Dhaheri emphasized the keenness of the UAE and its wise leadership to enhance cooperation and to maintain productive relationships and common interests between the two friend countries. On his part, Imran affirmed that the Bangladeshi government is also keen on consolidating this relationship to serve and achieve the orientations of both countries in all matters and aspects of cooperation. At the end of the meeting, Al Dhaheri and Imran exchanged the memorial shields of both countries.

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