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Page last updated on : 06/01/2022 - 7:18 am

Gradual ID linkage with medical examination procedures in Western Region from 24/04/2011

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The Emirates Identity Authority has announced the launch of linkage of ID card registration procedures with the examination and preventive health centers in the Western Region from Sunday, 01/05/2011.

Linkage will be initially restricted only to the preventive medicine and Emirates Identity Authority as a trial stage in preparation for the gradual expansion in Abu Dhabi after all the special cases have been considered and handled and until work in all affiliated centers has been completed.

This was announced during the co-ordination meeting that the Emirates Identity Authority held with the directors of examination and preventive health centers at the Western Region’s hospitals to discuss activation of the linkage in all medical examination centers in Madinat Zayed, Ghayathi, Sila and Dalma.

The Emirates Identity Authority also announced that the dates when the Western Region’s centers would be operational are as follows: Madinat Zayed, Sila and Dalma on Sunday, 24/04/2011 and Ghayathi on Sunday, 01/05/2011.

During the meeting the Emirates Identity Authority expressed its thanks and appreciation to the management of the Western Region’s hospitals for their sincere efforts and prominent role in making a success of this Emirates ID strategic project.

According to the linkage, an applicant will visit an authorized typing office to print an ID registration form before visiting an examination and preventive health center in the Western Region for medical examination. Subsequently, the applicant will go directly to an ID registration center annexed to health centers for complete registration in ID card. There, the applicant will get a sealed registration receipt, which is one of the conditions for obtaining a medical examination certificate.

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