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Page last updated on : 26/03/2021 - 7:44 am

General Directorate for Residency and Foreigners Affairs- Umm Al Quwain Celebrates Mother’s Day


General Directorate for Residency and Foreigners Affairs – Umm Al Quwain celebrated Mother’s Day, which is corresponding to 21st of March every year. A wide range of events have been organized for the mothers, employees at ICA as a tribute for the substantial role played by the mother during the UAE journey of development and prosperity as a future generation maker & dedicated limitless caregiver while she devotes her time & effort to achieve success and excellence at work.
The ceremony has been concluded in an ambience of joy and happiness among the mothers as a kind gesture from the General Directorate for Residency & Foreigners Affairs for fostering the limitless motivation, support extended by ICA to empower its human capital and improve the working environment in line with its adopted institutional values.


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