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Page last updated on : 09/05/2021 - 12:26 pm

General Directorate for Residency and Foreigners Affairs- RAK Wins 2nd position in the First Football Championship for Organizations


General Directorate for Residency and Foreigners Affairs – Ras Al Khaimah “GDRFA-RAK” participated in the first Football Championship for Organizations held by RAK Medical & Health Sciences University amidst Ramadan events that are revived within this holy month through the participation and support of GDRFA for the civil society organizations.
Football team of GDRFA-RAK succeeded to reach the semi-final of the championship which was concluded by winning as the runner-up with the presence of a limited number of both sides spectators amidst an ambience prevailed by enthusiasm, competitiveness, and sportsmanship. On the other part, the runner-up cup has been awarded to Major/ Salem Boualkilah, Residency Section head.
The participation of GDRFA-RAK in Ramadan events is fulfilled within the ICA keenness to enhance its human relations & commitment for the social engagement towards its key partners of various governmental departments. Furthermore, these social events will contribute to exchanging ideas, sharing knowledge, and creating social brotherly bonds in an ambience of positive entertainment and significant competitiveness for all stakeholders.

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